Kayaking trip
on the river Neva

A great weekend adventure


A great weekend adventure


Kayaking on the river Neva means...

  • The weekend with some zest
    Kayaking along the Neva, a snack at Peter and Paul Fortress, cool pictures and new friends!
  • Leisure time with friends
    Invite your friends and share the delight with them - you will have something to remember!
  • Unique gift
    Kayaking will be a nice surprise for a beloved one or your colleague!
Kayaking on the river Neva
  • Address: 44 Petrogradskaya embankment,subway station "Gorkovskaya"
  • Price: 2290₽
  • Duration: 4 h
  • Distance: 9 km
  • Groups meet at: 11:30 just SAT and SUN
  • Finish: 16:00
Petrogradskaya embankment, the river Bolshsya Nevka, navy cruiser "Aurora"
the river Bolshsya Nevka, Peter and Paul fortress, Tuchkov bridge
Petrovsky Stadium, the Zhdanovka River
the Malaya Nevka, the Karpovka River
Petrogradskaya embankment, the river Bolshsya Nevka, navy cruiser "Aurora"
the river Bolshsya Nevka, Peter and Paul fortress, Tuchkov bridge
Petrovsky Stadium, the Zhdanovka River
the Malaya Nevka, the Karpovka River
Important: Specify the date and fill in all the fields carefully - we need this information according to State Small Vessels Inspectorate safety requirements

  • This tour is conducted every evening except Monday
  • Requests are accepted until 18:00 the day before the desired date or earlier
  • The deadline for requests for weekend tours is Friday, 18:00 or earlier
  • Children can participate from the age of 14, accompanied by an adult
  • The weight limit is up to 100 kg, hip width is up to 45 cm
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption are prohibited while in the kaya
  • Personal belongings are taken in the kayak (in a drybag), take the least amount possible

Kayaking on the Neva river

Для групп от 6 человек: особые условия!
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Tour Booking
Kayaking on the river Neva
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PiterKayak - guided canoe and kayak tours along the rivers and canals of St. Petersburg.
Kryukov Canal, 26,
+7 921 435 9457

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